Getting Pope Francis’ attention

Recently, on Facebook, a friend shared a tip on how to catch Pope Francis’ attention while he’s on motorcade. No, not gigantic tarps or cute babies. The former are too common; the latter too risky, since we’re talking about hysterical people in the thousands in Manila.

Wear the uniform of the Pope’s favorite football team.

A longtime supporter of Club Atletico San Lorenzo de Almagro in Argentina, the Holy Father, in one of his round-the-piazza motorcade in the Vatican, is said to have noticed a man wearing the team’s jerseys. Pope Francis pointed at the man, flashing a big grin.

But it’s too late (and too expensive) for me to have such clothes made. Probably I’ll just make do with printing the team’s logo on a white shirt or something.

So if you still have cash and want higher chances of getting papal notice, you know what to do. 😉

Published by

Daryl Zamora

Keep life simple ☕️

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